Following our first wonderful Wilderstitch sewing retreat at Domaine de La Salle in France, Erica and I have created a special Chateau-themed project inspired by the friendships formed during the long weekend of quiet companionable sewing, brocante-shopping and tea-drinking.
My absolute favourite thing about The Stitchery is how it has brought people together; both in real life and online. Friendships have been made and there is the most lovely sewing community that has come together to help and support each other with the gentle art of sewing. Without The Stitchery I wouldn’t have met Erica and I wouldn’t have been to France with the most lovely group of women. All because of a few shared photographs and stitches; I am so grateful for what sewing, and social media, has done for me.
With this in mind, World Embroidery Day feels like something I want to celebrate and promote! On Tuesday 30th July 2019 I will be holding a gathering at my studio in Castle Ashby teaching a gorgeous sewing pattern designed by Erica and embroidered by me. Attendees will receive a full kit and materials together with accompanying ebook, and enjoy a delicious afternoon tea with a group of like-minded people. Beginners and advanced stitchers are all welcome. The project is something you can expect to have finished by the end of the day and will be very useful for future sewing sessions! Book here if you can join me!
We are mindful of our customers across the world who we would love to stitch with but cannot due to distance… so we thought it would be fun to create a mini ebook containing the pattern, instructions and a few pretty little extras so that you can hold your own chateau-themed sewing party and connect with us online.
More details will follow but the digital book will be available to buy here on 14th July 2019 so watch this space! We hope you can join in and celebrate this important day. Book online to join in the workshop here. Tell your sewing friends, and sewing groups, too. Everyone is welcome and it would be truly amazing to have a little online sewing party on the day.
illlustrations by Erica Jane Waters of Wilderstitch (find her books here)