Wildflower Bouquet


Wildflower Bouquet


Wildflower Bouquet is an embroidery kit inspired by the flowers from the Norfolk countryside hedgerows and a beautiful flower cart full of flowers in our favourite holiday coffee shop. The embroidery incorporates poppies, roses, daisies, scabious, orchids and echinacea tied with a lovely little bow in antique linen string.

The kit includes antique hand-printed linen, instructions and all threads required to complete the project..

Ideal as gifts or for yourself, The Stitchery embroidery kits are designed with beginners in mind, as well advanced stitchers.

The aim is not to produce a perfect piece of needlework but to encourage the stitcher to slow down and enjoy a little old-fashioned calmness and serenity in a world that is becoming increasingly fast-paced and perhaps a little stressful at times.

All of our kits have been completed by complete beginners but we do rate our kits on a scale of 1-3 to help you

The ratings are

1) Absolute beginner

2) Enthusiastic beginner

3) Accomplished beginner

This kit is rated - 2 - for Enthusiastic Beginners

Only 5 available
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